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Three people at work on computers in the computer department

IT Staff
Patrizia Iansa, Emily Pintani

Contact Details

045 812 3561



Since 1993, the Center has used Information Technology in day-to-day support of patient management, leveraging a network of about 60 PCs and the GeCoS electronic medical record. This tool not only collects clinical data and organises them in the form of a report to accompany the patient’s discharge letter; it also manages patient appointments, deals with issue of various certificates, and contains several useful features for consultation. The use of GeCoS makes for fewer errors, immediate accessibility of data for research or for monitoring clinical outcome indicators, and a better organised service for the patient.

The IT Department also handles external communication, issuing a quarterly newsletter and managing websites related to our activity.

In addition, the Department manages the National Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Registry database and related data collection.


Main activities

  • Coordination of Gecos electronic medical record updates and database administration
  • Creation and maintenance of management databases
  • Support for research activities
  • Cystic Fibrosis Center intranet hardware and software administration
  • Supervision of Inter-Hospital Support Services Network
  • Creation and administration of the www.cfcverona.it site
  • Editing, graphics and page-setting of the Notizie CFC Verona newsletter
  • Forwarding data to the Italian CF Registry
  • Management of the National Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Registry database and related data collection.